Police arrested 35-year-old Tirtha Bahadur Rai of Shadananda Rural Municipality-1, Bhojpur, Janakpur zone's member of Netra Bikram Chand-led group, on May 4. According to Tikaram Pokharel, Sub-Inspector at the District Police Office Nawalparasi East, Rai is being held in custody on the charge of indecent behavior towards police.
Violent / Non-violent | Nonviolent |
Primary Form | Arrest (politically significant) |
Primary Cause | Other political issues |
Actor 1 - Number of people | 1 |
Actor 1 - Affiliations | CPN (Maoist Center) and affiliated org |
Actor 1 - Youth | noyouth |
Actor 2 - Number of people | n/a |
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) | Government and civil servants at central level |
Actor 2 - Youth | na |