Incident Reports

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Supreme Court Justice Rana Bahadur Bam has been shot at Sankhamul in the Capital. He has been rushed to the Norvic Hospital. Details to follow....... -------------------------------------------- KATHMANDU, MAY 31 - Supreme Court Justice Rana Bahadur Bam has been shot at Sankhamul in the Capital. His bodyguard Mahesh has also sustained bullet injuries during the shoot-out, sources confirmed. They were shot on the way for the office nearby UN Park in Sankhamul at around 11.30 this morning. According to police, the shooters came in a pulsar motorcycle. Bam has sustained bullet inujuries in his neck, hand and chest and his bodyguard has injuries in his neck. They have been rushed for the treatment at the Norvic Hospital. A pamplet of Nepalbad Party has been found on the shooting scene. The shooters are yet to be identified. Meanwhile, Chief Juctice Khil Raj Regmi has reached the hospital. Bam has been barred from hearing cases right after he was indicted of misconduct while releasing three notorious criminals convicted of abduction on a low bail. Few months after their release, the same criminals abducted Dr. Bhaktaman Shrestha of BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Chitwan. One of the criminals had admitted that they had paid a hefty amount to bribe the judges, including Bam for their release. An impeachment process has also been initiated against Bam.


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