Incident Reports

Teacher beats up student


Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Ward 10

Jenish Rai, student of Ambition Academy, studying at grade five was beaten up by his teacher Mohan Rai. According to the child, he was punched in his face, when he was going out of class to fill in ink into his pen. Rai has got severe injury near his eye. Rai's family state that they were threatened by the school principal when they ask to take action against the accused. They have filed the complained against the accused at Children Centre. Later, principal Bishnu Ghimire admitted the incident and promised them that they will take necessary action to the teacher. नयाँ बानेश्वरमा रहेको एम्बिसन एकाडेमीका शिक्षकले विद्यार्थीको अनुहारमा नीलडाम हुने गरी कुटेका छन् । एलटीसी शिक्षक दावा मोक्तानले मुक्का हानेर ५ कक्षामा अध्ययनरत जेनिश राईको देब्रे आँखाछेउ नीलडाम बनाएको अभिभावक मोहन राईले बताए । बेन्चबाट उठेर मसी भर्न बाहिर निस्कँदा मुक्का हानेको जेनिशले बताए । छोराको अनुहारै सुन्निने गरी कुटपिट गरेपछि शिक्षकलाई कारबाही गर्न माग गरे पनि विद्यालय प्रशासनले उल्टै थर्काएर पठाएको मोहनले बताए । ‘मेरो छोरा कुट्ने शिक्षकलाई कारबाही हुनुपर्छ भनेर प्रिन्सिपललाई भन्दा उनले तपाईंले जे गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ गर्नुस् मेरो शिक्षकलाई केही गर्दिनँ भने,’ मोहनले भने । कान्ति बाल अस्पतालमा छोराको जाँच गराउँदा आँखा र अन्य भागमा असर परेको हुन सक्ने चिकित्सकले जानकारी दिएपछि राई परिवार चिन्तित भएका छन् । उनले शिक्षकलाई कारबाहीको माग राखेर बालबालिका खोजतलास केन्द्रमा समेत उजुरी दिएका छन् । विद्यालयका प्रिन्सिपल विष्णु घिमिरेले शिक्षकको कमजोरी भएको स्वीकार गरे । ‘शिक्षकले कुटेछन् । त्यस्तो गर्नु हुँदैनथ्यो,’ उनले भने, ‘कमजोरी भएको हो । गल्ती गर्ने शिक्षकलाई कारबाही गर्छौं ।’
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons None
Primary Cause Violence in school/university (violence by teachers, hazing, etc.)
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Education sector/teachers (private and public)
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Students
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Injured 1
Youth Injured 1
National/Online Media