Incident Reports

Butwal Today: Police and villagers clash in Marchwar


Lumbini, Rupandehi, Kotahimai, Ward 4

Locals of Mirchwar village staging protest demanding the post-mortem of a Nepali youth found dead on Wednesday, clashed with the police on Friday at Tunihawa chowk of Kotahimai rural municipality. The deceased, identified as 25-year-old Baijanath Sahani of Kotahimai rural municipality-4 Tunihawa was found dead on the bank of Mohana river in India on Wednesday. 6 persons including the deceased's mother Nanda Kumar Chaai, Amarjeet Yadav, Bramha Dev Yadav, Inspector Tilak Bahadur Thapa were injured in the clash that occurred around 10:00 am in the morning. भारतमा भेटिएका नेपाली नागरिकको शव पोष्टमार्टम गराउन प्रदर्शन गरिरहेका रुपन्देहीको मर्चवारमा गाउँले र प्रहरी बीच झडप भएको छ। बुधबार भारतको मोहाना स्थित नदीमा फेला पारिएको रुपन्देहीको कोटमाई गाउँपालिका वडा नं ४ तुनिहवा बस्ने २५ बर्षीय बैजनाथ सहानीको लाश पोस्टमार्टम गराउन प्रदर्शनकारी र प्रहरीबीच तुनिहवा चोकमा शुक्रबार १० बजे दोहोरो झडप भएको हो। झडपमा परी पिडित पक्षबाट मृतकको आमा नन्द कुमार चाई, सोही ठाउँ बस्ने अमरजीत यादव, ब्रम्हदेव यादव र प्रहरी तर्फ प्रहरी नायब निरीक्षक तिलक बहादुर थापा लगायत अन्य नाम नखुलेको ६ जना गाउँलेहरु घाइते भएका छन्।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Twosided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Group Clash
Weapons Unclear
Primary Cause Issues related to legal action and access to justice
Actor 1 - Number of people 15
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 15
Actor 2 - Affiliation Police
Actor 2 - Youth unknown
Total Injured 6
Female Injured 1
Local Newspaper - Rupandehi