Incident Reports

Engineer misbehaved by CPN cadres


Bagmati, Chitawan, Ratnanagar

[Updated] The cadres of Nepal Communist Party have misbehaved the engineer Prakash Chandra Dhungana of Ratna Nagar Municipality by smearing mobile on his face. The cadres entered into his office and misbehaved him on September 16. The pamphlet found in the incident site stated that he was misbehaved on charge of corruption in project. A group of four people entered in his room and smeared mobile on his face before fleeing from the site. The accused involved in the incident are being searched according to District Police Office of Chitwan. However, engineer Dhungana said that the cadres had asked for the donation from him few days back and he was targeted after he denied giving the donation. नेत्रविक्रम चन्द विप्लवका कार्यकर्ताले रत्ननगर नगरपालिकाका इन्जिनियर प्रकाशचन्ऽ ढुङगानालाई मोबिल (कालोमोसो) खन्याएर दुव्र्यवहार गरेका छन् । नगरपालिकामा आफ्नो कार्यकक्षमा रहेका ढुङ्गानामाथि आइतबार विप्लवका कार्यकर्ताले मोबिल खन्याएका हुन् । मोबिल खन्याएपछि आक्रमणकारीले ढुङ्गानाको घाँटीमा जुत्ताको माला समेत लगाइदिएका थिए । चार जनाको संख्यामा आएका उनीहरु तत्कालै भागेका थिए । इञ्जिनियर ढुङ्गानाले भ्रष्टाचार गरेकाले कार्वाही गरिएको कार्यालय परिसरमा छाडिएको पर्चामा उल्लेख छ । उनीमाथि परियोजना र संस्थागत बजेट पारिदिने नाममा कमिसन खाने गरेको, घरजग्गा र बाटोको सिफारिस गरेवापत सेवाग्राहीबाट कमिसन लिने गरेको लगायतका आरोप लगाइएको छ । घटना संलग्न नेकपाका कार्यकर्ताको खोजी भैरहेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय चितवनले जानकारी दिएको छ । कार्यालयमा रहेको सीसीटीभी हेरेर घटनामा संलग्नको पहिचान गरिने प्रहरीले वताएको छ । इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय टाँडीका प्रमुख वासुदेव खतिवडाले घटनामा संलग्नहरुको खोजी भए पनि अहिलेसम्म कोही पक्राउ नपरेको जानकारी दिए । इञ्जिनियर ढुङगानाले भने केही दिनअघि विप्लवका कार्यकर्ताले चन्दा मागेको र चन्दा नदिएपछि यस्तो हर्कत गरेको दाबी गरेका छन् । ढुङ्गाना माओवादीकी नेतृ पूर्वउपसभामुख पूर्णाकुमारी सुवेदीका ज्वाइँ हुन् । उनलाई तीजका बेलामा नगरपालिककाको सवारी ससुराली लगेको भनेर केही वर्षअघि जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयले स्पष्टीकरण समेत मागेको थियो । Update.... Police here today arrested two persons on the charge of throwing acid at the engineer at the Ratnanagar Municipality in Chitwan district, Prakash Chandra Dhungana on September 17 this year. The arrested ones were Narayan Neupane, member of Communist Party of Nepal, and Sushil Koirala of the same party, according to the District Police Office, Chitwan. The alleged perpetrators, both belonging to Bharatpur in Chitwan, had barged into the office of engineer Dhungana and had thrown the acid, according to the police. There were a group of people who were involved in this criminal activity, according to police, who also had scattered a six-point pamphlet in the engineer's office after the attack. Search for the rest of those involved into the incident is underway while investigation into the case is also being carried out, police added.(RSS)
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Public humiliation
Primary Cause Others types of mob justice
Secondary Cause Issues related to corruption (other than tenders)
Actor 1 - Number of people 4
Actor 1 - Affiliations CPN (Chand) and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Local authorities (incl VDC, district, gov. line agencies at local level except education and health)
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
National/Online Media , INSEC , Local Newspaper - Chitwan