Incident Reports

Bomb planted behind Minister Pandey's house defused


Bagmati, Chitawan, Bharatpur, Ward 2

A bomb disposal squad of the Nepalese Army has defused a bomb planted by an unidentified group behind the house of Minister for Forests and Soil Conservation, Bikram Pandey, at Bharatpur Metropolitan City-2, this morning. The army squad deactivated a small bomb with a grenade kept inside a milk can which was planted behind Minister Pandey's house, Deputy Superintendent Prabhu Prasad Dhakal of the District Police Office Chitwan, said. He said smoke emerged out of the device while deactivating it, which means that it was not a powerful explosive device and had been planted only to terrorize the people. The people had informed the police after spotting the bomb in the morning. Minister Pandey is contesting in the House of Representatives election from Chitwan district constituency-3. (RSS) प्रतिनिधसभा निर्वाचनका उम्मेदवार विक्रम पाण्डेको घर अगाडि शंकास्पद वस्तु भेटिएको छ । चितवनको भरतपुर २ विक्रम मार्गमा शंकास्पद वस्तु भेटिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । उक्त शंकास्पद वस्तु बम हुन सक्ने आशंकामा सेनाको डिस्पोजल टोली घटनास्थल पुगेको छ । पाण्डेले चितवन क्षेत्र नम्बर ३ बाट राप्रपा प्रजातान्त्रिककाट उम्मेदवारी दिएका छन् । प्रहरीले दिएको पछिल्लो जानकारी अनुसार, उक्त वस्तु क्यान बम रहेको र डिस्पोजल टोलीले बम निस्क्रिय पारेको छ ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Symbolic violence
Weapons Improvised explosive device (IED)
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Actor 1 - Number of people NA
Actor 1 - Affiliations Unclear
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) RPP
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Chitwan