Incident Reports

Dreams Daily:Doctor man-handled by irrate kins


Bagmati, Chitawan, Bharatpur

kins of a patient at Bharatpur Medical College man-handled a surgeon on Aug 10. The agitated relatives man-handled Surgeon J.N Das saying he had done wrong surgery on Lila Nath Dhakal of Ratnanagar-6 due to which he cudnt recover well. They only got to know about the error after treating the patient in Kathmandu. Two men; Meghnath Dhakal and Kushma Dhakal, were arrested with allegations of man-handling the doctor. भरतपुरमा रहेको पुरानो मेडिकल कलेजमा चिकित्सकमाथि बिरामीका आफन्तले शुक्रबार हातपात गरेका छन् । बिगत नौ महिना अघि अस्पतालमा शल्यक्रिया गरेका रत्ननगर ६ का लिलानाथ ढकालको अवस्थामा सुधार नआएको भन्दै बिरामीका आफन्तले न्युरो सर्जन जे एन दासमाथि हातपात गरेका हुन् । बिरामीका आफन्तले बिरामीलाई काठमाडौँ लगेर परीक्षण गराउँदा उपचार नगर्नु पर्ने ठाउँको उपचार गरेको जानकारी पाएको दावी गरेका छन् । चिकित्सकलाई हातपात गरेको अभियोगमा जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय चितवनले दुई जनालाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ ।पक्राउ पर्नेमा मेघनाथ ढकाल र कुश्म ढकाल रहेका छन् ।उनीहरुमाथि अनुसन्धान भइरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons None
Primary Cause Extra-judicial response related to perceived healthcare malpractice/after death of patient
Actor 1 - Number of people 10
Actor 1 - Affiliations Mob (only Perpetrator)
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Health sector/health workers, doctors
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Local Newspaper - Chitwan