Incident Reports

Chand led groups members hurl petrol bomb at truck in Nawalparasi


Gandaki, Nawalparasi East, Madhyabindu, Ward 11

A group of members of Chand-led outfit torched a truck at Madhyabindu municipality-11 of Nawalparasi on Monday morning. According to police, the outfit members torched the truck bearing plate number Lu 2 Kha 108 by hitting it with petrol bomb. The truck carrying cement was heading towards Narayangadh. 

Driver of the truck, 33-year-old Amar BK of Byas municipality-4 Tanahun sustained injury after he lost control of the truck when Chand cadres hurled a petrol bomb at the truck. The truck veered 5 meters down the road. Amar sustained burn injury on his back and face. He is undergoing treatment at a local clinic.

Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Arson
Weapons Fire
Primary Cause Other political issues
Actor 1 - Number of people N
Actor 1 - Affiliations CPN (Chand) and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people N
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Private company
Actor 2 - Youth na
Total Injured 1
Youth Injured 00
Totally damaged Vehicles 1
Severely damaged Vehicles 1
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Chitwan