Incident Reports

कैदी भगाएको आरोपमा २ गिरफ्तार


Madhes, Rautahat, Gaur

Gaighat,Saidi bhagayeko aropma 2 giraftaar. KATHMANDU: Police have arrested two suspects for their alleged involvement in assisting two inmates to escape from Gaur Prison in May. The Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police said today that they nabbed Saroj Thapa Magar, 34, of Chalnakhel, Kathmandu, and Bikas Lama, 21, of Kavre, currently residing at Kapan, from different parts of the capital on Monday. They have already been handed the duo over to the District Police Office, Rautahat. The CIB managed to arrest them on the basis of call details. According to CIB, the duo had assisted Navin Kumar Yadav and an Indian national Mohammed Jabed, who were doing time in the Gaur Prison on charge of drug smuggling and abduction, to escape. According to police, Saroj had acquainted with a notorious drug kingpin Pappu Jayaswal of India in 2007 at the Central Jail in Sundhara where both were doing time for drug smuggling and abduction charges. Saroj walked free on May 31, 2012. In the meantime, Pappu was transferred to Nakkhu Jail where he met Mohammed Jabed who was looking for a chance to escape the jail. As per the plan, Pappu and Mohammed contrived their transfer to Gaur Prison in Rautahat where Navin was also included in the plan. Pappu called up Saroj and asked him to manage for escape of Mohammed and Navin on condition that he would get Rs one million. After receiving Rs 20,000, Saroj called up his three friends along with Bikas from Kathmandu. They stayed at a hotel in Gaur for four days and received Rs 50, 000 from Sanu, a younger brother of Mohammed. On May 30, Saroj, along with his three friends, helped escape Mohammed and Navin while they were being taken to Taiyab Nursing Home for treatment after they complained of health problems. According to police, the four, on two motorbikes, had helped the inmates to cross the Nepal border. Earlier, police had suspended two personnel for their alleged involvement in helping the inmates escape.


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