Incident Reports

२ युवति बलित्क्रित


Gandaki, Kaski, Pokhara Lekhnath

POKHARA, AUG 30 - A 20-year-old young woman has reportedly been gang- rape d at Kanhu-2 in Pokhara, Kaski. According to police, a group of eight youths aged between 18 to 22 took the on the pretext of dropping her at her destination before raping her, on Thursday evening. The girl was returning to her rented room in Pokhara when she was rape d, police said. Police arrested two accused, Lekh Bahadur Gurung and Kiran Shrish Magar, on rape charge, both of whom admitted to the crime. While other accused are absconding, police recovered a motorcycle used in the incident. Superintendent of Police Basanta Kumar Lama said that the youths 'took turns' on her. "The rape is an outcome of evil mindset. We are searching for other accused youths," he said. A permanent resident of Lamjung, the girl is under the care of her parents. She has been pursuing her Bachelor's degree. Meanwhile, a 14-year-old girl has been allegedly rape d at Rakam in Surkhet. Satabir Kami took the girl to a nearby corn field before raping her, police said. The girl was on her way to an entertainment programme organised on the occasion of Teej festival, when she was rape d, police said. The girl is being treated at a local health institution, and Kami is arrested. According to police, they are further investigating into the case.


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