Incident Reports

सरकारी बैंकले दलित महिला को आबेदन असुइकार


Bagmati, Dhading, Gajuri

Dhading, Sarkari bank le dalit mahila ko abedan asuikar. A woman from a Dalit community has filed a complaint in the police against a manager of a government owned bank for allegedly refusing to accept her job application by being biased towards her impoverished community. traditionally regarded as ‘untouchables’. Santoshi Bishwokarma, 28, a woman from Aadamara, Gajuri-1 was compelled to take the step after Shankar Prasad Poudel, manager at the Gajuri-branch of Rastriya Banijya Bank refused to accept her application saying that she belongs to the Dalit community. The bank had called for application for the post of office assistant towards the end of October this year. “Saying that I was a Dalit, Poudel refused to accept my job application,” Bishwokarma complained. Apparently, as the job description requires the ‘office assistant’ to tend to the needs of the bank employees by delivering tea and food items, Poudel had refused to accept her application stating that he could not accept tea or food delivered by her and that the same applied for other bank staff as she was a Dalit. “Instead, Poudel said that he could give me loan on collateral to start a business of my own,” Bishwokarma said. Police said that they have summoned Poudel, who has been charged under the Caste based Discrimination and Untouchability Act, 2011, to District Police Office on Wednesday for further investigation.


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