Incident Reports

दाइजो को लागि मार पीट गरि हत्या


Madhes, Sarlahi, Bishnu

Sarlahi, Daaijo ko laagi maar pit gari hatya. SARLAHI, NOV 28 - The body of a woman reportedly beaten to death by her husband and in-laws in a village in the district has not been found even 18 days after the incident. One Poonam Devi Mahato of Madhuwangoth-8 had been badly beaten by her own husband and in-laws, and after her condition became serious, was taken to a hospital at the bordering town of Majorganj of India for medical treatment. The mother of three children had been pronounced dead on arrival on November 10. “She had contacted me after being beaten by her husband and in-laws on November 8,” said the victim’s father Ram Prasad Mahato, “but when I tried to bring her home the following day, the family did not let her come with me and again beat her mercilessly when she insisted on coming with me.” Ram Prasad had also accompanied his daughter’s husband and in-laws when they took her to India for treatment following the beating that had rendered her unconscious and fighting for her life. According to Ram Prasad, his daughter’s husband and in-laws had pushed him out into the road from the auto-rickshaw and drove off with the body while on their way back to Nepal from the Indian hospital where Poonam Devi had been pronounced dead. Mahato alleged that Poonam’s in-laws must have had disposed off her body somewhere in the Indian town after pushing him out. According to Mahato, Poonam’s husband Amar Kushwaha had been demanding a motorcycle and furnitures as dowry . “Whenever Poonam refused to give into his demands, Kushwaha used to physically abuse her,” Mahato said. Likewise, Poonam’s brother Rambrikshya said that they had taken her to hospital for treatment numerous times when she came home with injuries and bruises after being beaten and physically abused. Married to Kushwaha ten years ago, Poonam is survived by two daughters and a son. While the whole Kuswaha family remains at large following the incident, police have deployed plainclothes policemen at Majorganj in search of the body and the family. Meanwhile, police have managed to arrest the auto-rickshaw driver and recorded his statement with the assistance of Indian police. Corroborating with Mahato’s statement, the driver said that the whole family had gotten off with a dead body in a secluded place after pushing Mahato out of the rickshaw, police said. “The driver’s statement has helped us to make a major headway into the case,” said SP Suresh Basnet, adding that they are working closely with Indian police to arrest the culprits and solve the case.


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