Incident Reports

Janakpur: VDC Secretaries halting work indefinitely


VDC Secretaries of Dhanusa districts have been in demonstration for uncertain period of time. Stating the encouragement allowance since April not being provided, VDC Secretaries have handed over the official stamps to DDC Dhanusha. Kebal Kumar Das- Chairperson, VDC Secretaries Right Protection Committee Dhanusha said that they handed over the stamp to DDC Office as they were not provided encouragement allowance of three months of last fiscal year as well as the running fiscal year. He also declared about the dharna to be held the following day with Black banner. VDC Secretaries have complained about DDC being reluctant to provide encouragement allowance though demands have been made time and again. He said they have been compelled to hand over the stamp in absence of any written commitment from DDC. 71 VDC Secretaries have handed over the stamps to DDC Planning Officer Ram Prasad Acharya. VDC Secretaries have been getting about 7 million rupees as encouragement allowance. Service bearers have been adversely affected due to work halted by VDC Secretaries. धनुषाका गाविस सचिवहरु अनिश्चितकालको लागि आन्दोलित भएका छन् । गएको बैशाखदेखि हालसम्मकोे प्रोत्साहन भत्ता उपलब्ध नगराएको भन्दै सचिवहरुले गाविसको छाप बिहीबार जिल्ला विकास समिति धनुषामा बुझाएका छन् । गत आर्थिक वर्षको तीन महिनाको र चालु आर्थिक वर्षको साउनदेखि हालसम्मको प्रोत्साहन भत्ता उपलव्ध नगराएपछि आफूहरुले गाविसको छाप जिविसमा बुझाएको गाविस सचिब हकहित संरक्षण केन्द धनुषाका अध्यक्ष केवल कुमार दासले बताए । भोली (शुक्रबार) देखि आफूहरुले कालो ब्यानर झुण्डयाएर जिल्ला विकास समितिमा धर्ना बस्ने अध्यक्ष दासले टुडेलाई बताए । प्रोत्साहन भत्ताको लागि पटक पटक ताकेता गरेपनि जिजिसले अटेर गर्दै आएको आरोप गाविस सचिबहरुको छ । गाविस सचिबहरुको केही दिन अघि बसेको बैठकले माघ १३ गतेसम्मको अल्टिमेटम दिएको थियो । तर, जिजिसबाट कुनैै लिखित प्रतिबद्धता नआएका कारण आफूहरुले बाध्य भएर बिहीबार छाप बुझाउनुपरेको अध्यक्ष दासले थपे । जिल्लाका ७१ गविसका सचिबहरुले बिहीबार जिल्ला विकास समितिका योजना अधिकृत रामप्रसाद आचार्य कहा छाप बुझाएको उनले बताए । गाविस सचिवहरुको हालसम्मको करिब ७० लाख रुपैँया प्रोत्साहन भत्ता पाउने गरेका छन् । गाविस सचिवहरुले कामकाज ठप्प पारेपछि सेवाग्राही मर्कामा पर्ने भएको छ ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Event Duration More than 1 day
Primary Form Strike/Bandh
Primary Cause Issues related to policies and regulations internal to the government bureaucracy (e.g. civil servants wages, work conditions and promotions)
Actor 1 - Number of people 71
Actor 1 - Affiliations Local authorities (incl VDC, district, gov. line agencies at local level except education and health)
Actor 1 - Youth na
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Local authorities (incl VDC, district, gov. line agencies at local level except education and health)
Actor 2 - Youth na
Local Newspaper - Dhanusha