Incident Reports

Lumbini Hospital tense after pregnant woman dies


Lumbini, Rupandehi, Butwal

Tension broke out at Lumbini Zonal Hospital in Butwal on Tuesday due to the protest by relatives of a pregnant woman who died during the course of treatment at the hospital. The relatives resorted to protest after Mina Budamagar, 27, of New Durganagar, Butawal-11, died during the course of treatment. They alleged that the woman, who was admitted to hospital for labour pain, died because of the hospital’s negligence. The agitating relatives staged sit-in outside the hospital demanding action against the guilty and compensation to the victim’s family. Mina was taken to the hospital at 10 am on Monday after went into labour pain. She had walked 15 minutes from her home to the hospital but died in the evening during treatment. According to her husband Kul Bahadur Buda, Mina was continuously experiencing labour pains from the afternoon. He claimed that the hospital paid no heed to his repeated calls for attention after Mina complained of extreme pains and left her to the care of trainees. However, the Hospital denied the charges. Hospital spokesperson Laxmi Raj Regmi claimed that a team of experts had attended the patient and would soon make public the reason for the death. सुत्केरी हुन भर्ना भएकी महिलाको मृत्यु भएपछि बुटवलको लुम्बिनी अञ्चल अस्पतालमा तनाव भएको छ । बुटवल-११ न्यु दर्गानगरकी २७ वर्षीय मीना बुढामगरको मृत्युपछि उनका आफन्तहरु विरोधमा उत्रिएका हुन् । उपचारमा भएको बेवास्ता र लापरबाहीले गर्भवती महिलाको मृत्यु भएको आफन्तहरुको आरोप छ । दोषीलाई कारबाही र पीडितलाई क्षतिपूर्तिको माग गर्दै आफन्तहरुले अहिले अस्पताल परिसरमा धर्ना दिएका छन् । सुत्केरी बेथा सुरु भएपछि सोमबार बिहान करिब १० बजे मीना अस्पताल भर्ना भएकी थिइन् । घरबाट १५ मिनेटको बाटो हिँडेर आएकी मीनाको साँझ उपचारका क्रममा मृत्यु भएको हो । पति कुलबहादुर बुढाका अनुसार दिउँसोदेखि मीनालाई निरन्तर बेथाले च्यापेको थियो । साँझपखबाट ओठ मुख सुन्निने, काप्ने र बच्चामाथि सर्ने भएको थियो । नर्सहरुलाई पटक पटक समस्या बताउँदा पनि सिकारुको जिम्मा छोडेको र बेलामा चिकित्सकलाई खबर नगर्दा मृत्यु भएको उनले बताए । अस्पतालले अहिलेसम्म शव समेत हेर्न नदिएको उनले बताए । अस्पतालले भने आफन्तले भनेजस्तो बेवास्ता नगरेको दाबी गरेको छ । अस्पतालका प्रवक्ता लक्ष्मीराज रेग्मीले विशेषज्ञकै टोलीले प्रसूती समस्या हेरेकाले त्यसको कारण केही समयमै सार्वजनिक गर्ने बताए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Gherau/Dharna (sit-in)/padlocking
Primary Cause Extra-judicial response related to perceived healthcare malpractice/after death of patient
Actor 1 - Number of people 50
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Health sector/health workers, doctors
Actor 2 - Youth na
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Palpa , Local Newspaper - Saptari