Incident Reports

Indian DSP among seven detained in Doti


Sudurpashchim, Doti, Dipayal Silgadi, Ward 8

Nepal Police have arrested a team of Indians led by Indian DSP Nagraj from Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality in the district on Wednesday night. A team of seven people, including two Nepalis, were arrested while they were taking a Nepali man to Indian Territory. Lal Bahadur Auji of Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality-8 was arrested by Indian police in midnight. The arrested Indians are detained at Doti District Police Office. Auji is also kept under custody at the police station. Police, however, declined to disclose the details pertaining to the case. The vehicle used by Indian police has been covered by a tarpaulin and journalists have not been allowed access to take its photographs. It is learnt that two Nepali residents of Doti had assisted the Indian team to reserve a vehicle from Dhangadhi-based PS Tours and Travels. “There were two Nepalis and five Indians. They booked a vehicle on the pretext of visiting Saileshwori in Doti,” said the PS Tours operator Padam Singh. According to Auji’s neighbor, the Indian police team arrested Auji while he was asleep at his home at 2’o clock in the night. Before this, the Indian police had forced a Ladagada’s local Prasad Karki to show Auji’s house. Immediately after the incident, locals informed about the incident at Ladagada Police Office. Ladagada Police Office than informed District Police Office about the incident. It has been learnt that Auji came to Nepal some four months ago after allegedly involving in theft. The Doti District Administration Office is oblivious of the incident. Chief District Officer is out of the town while an administrative officer Keshav Lamichhane said that he is unaware of the situation. बुधवार राति एक नेपालीलाई अपहरण गर्ने भारतीय समूहलाई प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ । डोटी दिपायल सिलगढी नगरपालिका–८ लडागडा निवासी लालवहादुर आउजीलाई अपहरण गर्नेलाई प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको हो । यद्यपी प्रहरीले अपहरणकारी को थिए भन्ने खुलाएको छैन । मध्यराती अपहरण गर्ने ब्यक्तिहरु भारतीय भएकाे स्थानीयले बताएका छन् । स्थानीयबासीका अनुसार राती करीव दुई बजे भारतमा काम गर्ने लडागडाकै प्रसाद पार्की र अन्य तीन जना भारतीयले घरमै सुतेका बेला लालवहादुरको अपहरण गरेका हुन् । ‘प्रसादले मध्यरातमा ढोका ढक्ढक्याएपछि लालवहादुरकी श्रीमतिले ‘को हो भनी सोध्दा उनले आफ्नो परिचय दिएपछि ढोका खोलियो’ एक स्थानीयले भने ‘ढोका खोल्नासाथ उक्त समूह भित्र पसी लालवहादुरलाई हात खुट्टा बाँधी जवरजस्ती गाडीमा हालेर लगे ।’ उनी भन्छन् ‘डोरीले हात खुट्टा बाँधियो र मुखमा पट्टी पनि बाँधियो ।’ घटनापछि स्थानीयले तत्काल ईलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय लडागडामा खवर गरेका थिए । घट्नाको सुचना जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय डोटीसम्म पुगेपछि जिप्रकाको पहलमा अपहरणमा प्रयोग गरिएको गाडी, अपहरणकारी र अपहरित व्यक्तिलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएको बताइएको छ । डोटीका प्रहरी प्रमुख प्रहरी उपरीक्षक दिल्लीराज बिष्टले घटना घटना भएको र छानविन भइरहेको बताए । उनले अनुसन्धानकै क्रममा भएकाले सबै भन्न नमिल्ने भन्दै अनुसन्धानपछि विस्तृत बिबरण आउने बताए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Abduction
Weapons None
Primary Cause Other economic issues
Actor 1 - Number of people 7
Actor 1 - Affiliations Police
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Rupandehi , Local Newspaper - Kanchanpur