Incident Reports

Woman rescued from clutches of human traffickers from TIA,


Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kathmandu

A woman, who was on the verge of being trafficked to Kuwait via Dubai, was rescued from the clutches of human traffickers from Tribhuvan International Airport recently, police said. In a statement today Metropolitan Crime Division said three persons, who tempted a woman and assured her of sending to Gulf country with free visa and free ticket, were arrested yesterday. Police identified the suspects as Krishna Bahadur Gurung (56) of Syangja District, Khadag Bahadur Bishowakarma (34) of Jhapa district and Dilli Siwar Limbu (43) of Tehrathum District. Acting on a tip-off, sleuths from MCD arrested the suspects from assorted locations in Kathmandu Valley. Meanwhile, police have sent the suspects to the Kathmandu Metropolitan Police Range for further investigation, it said in the statement. Police are preparing to file a human trafficking case against the trio. मानव वेचविअन तथा ओसारपसारमा संलग्न रहेको अभियोगमा प्रहरीले तीन जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । पक्राउ पर्नेमा स्याङ्जाको कालिकोट नगरपालिका घर भइ काठमाडौंको गंगवुमा बस्ने ५६ वर्षे कृष्णबहादुर गुरुङ, झापाको गोलडुवा ८ का ३४ वर्षे खड्गबहादुर विश्वकर्मा र तेह्रथुमको ओख्रेगाउँपालिका ८ का डिल्लिश्वर लिम्बु रहेका छन् । उनीहरुले यहि साउन ५ गते एक महिलालाई प्रलोभनमा पारि फ्रि भिसा फ्रि टिकटमा पठाइदिन्छु भनि दुवई हुँदै कुवेत पुर्‍याउन लागेका थिए । प्रहरीले विशेष सूचनाका आधारमा महिलालाई त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलबाट उद्धार गरेको थियो । पक्राउ परेका तीन जना विरुद्ध मानव वेचविखन तथा ओसार पसार मुद्दामा अनुसन्धान तथा कारबाहिका लागि महानगरीय प्रहरी परिसर काठमाडौंमा पठाइएको छ ।