Incident Reports

Woman punished for refusing to give divorce


Province 1, Sunsari, Duhabi, Ward 8

26-year-old Shaira Khatun of Duhabi municipality-8 has been subjected to hard physical labor as a punishment by 45-year-old Mehadi Hussain, chairperson of the same ward on July 28 for refusing to divorce her second husband. Shaira was also reportedly subjected to physical assault. She is currently at the care of District Woman and Child Service Center after feeling unsafe at Inarwa hospital's one door crisis management center, informed Mina Bhandari, coordinator of the crisis management center. Shaira who was previously married to 32-year-old Subhan Miya married Subhan's brother Rajak Miya two months ago after Subhan went abroad. Shaira and Rajak were given pressure to file divorce by the village panchayat ever since they married. Shaira was punished by the panchayat as a result, said her uncle. दुहवी नपा-८ की २६ वर्षीया सैरा खातुनलाई तलाक दिन नमानेको भन्दै साउन १३ गते सोही वडाका वडाध्यक्ष ४५ वर्षीय मेहदी हुसैनको रोहवरमा १२ घण्टा इँटा बोकाएर यातना दिइएको छ । साथै उनीमाथि कुटपिट समेत भएको पीडित पक्षले आरोप लगाएको छ । कुटपिटबाट गम्भीर घाइते भएकी खातुनको इनरुवा अस्पतालको एकद्वार सङ्कट व्यवस्थापन केन्द्रमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । उनलाई जिल्लास्थित महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यलयको ‘सेफ हाउस’मा राखिएको सङ्कट व्यवस्थापन केन्द्रकी संयोजक मीना भण्डारीले बताइन् । केन्द्रमा उनको असुरक्षा भएपछि सेफ हाउसमा सारिएको उनको भनाइ छ । ३२ वर्षीय सुभान मियासँग विवाह गरेकी उनले पति विदेश गएपछि आफ्नै पतिका ३० वर्षीय भाइ रजाक मियासँग दुई महिना अगाडि अर्को विवाह गरेकी थिइन् दोस्रो विवाह गरेकी उनलाई वडाध्यक्ष हुसैन लगायतले मुस्लिम संस्कृति अनुसार तलाक दिन दबाव दिइरहेका थिए । तर, उनले र उनका नयाँ पतिले तलाक दिन नमानेपछि पञ्चायती बसेर उनलाई सजाय दिएर कुटपिट गरेको पीडितका काका फाहिम हाजीले बताए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons None
Primary Cause Extra-judicial response to perceived offenses to social or moral norms (other than witchcraft)
Actor 1 - Number of people 3
Actor 1 - Affiliations Mob (only Perpetrator)
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Injured 1
Female Injured 1