Incident Reports

Woman, 44, bludgeoned to death in Morang


Province 1, Morang, Miklajung, Ward 7

[Updated] A 44-year-old woman was brutally killed near her residence at Miklajung Rural Municipality-7 in Morang district. The mutilated body of Shanti Kumari Tamang of Sisauli was found on the bank of the Ramri stream on Sunday morning, said police. According to Inspector Chandra Bahadur Thapa at Area Police Office in Urlabari, the victim was bludgeoned to death with stone. Her face was damaged beyond recognition. Four blood-stained stones and a baton were found near the body. Police officers suspected that a group of assailants were involved in the murder. It is suspected that the victim might have been raped and murdered as her body was found naked. The motive behind the murder is not immediately known, said police. The local people spotted the body at around 8am and immediately informed to the police. It took time for the family members to identify the body. The victim’s daughter identified her with a help of a tattoo inked in her right arms and clothes recovered near the incident site. The victim was a commoner who eked out a living by making traditional Nepali cap, Dhakatopi, in her house. After her day long work with her husband, she went to Madhumalla Bazaar at around 6pm on Saturday. It is learnt that her husband Bhim Bahadur Tamang asked her not to go to the bazaar, but she refused. Madhumalla Bazaar is around one kilometre far from her residence. The victim’s relatives demanded to investigate into the incident and bring the guilty to book immediately. “She (Shanti) was killed very brutally. Her departed soul will only rest in peace when the culprit is arrested and punished,” said Bishnu Kumari Rai, the victim’s sister-in-law. The relatives and neighbours claimed that the murderers could be from the same area. मोरङको मिक्लाजुङ गाउँपालिका–७ स्थित राम्री खोलामा आइतबार बिहान एक महिलाको शव फेला परेको छ । सोही ठाउँकी ४४ वर्षीया शान्तिकला तामाङको शव भेटिएको हो । प्रहरीको प्रारम्भिक अनुसन्धानले उनको बलात्कारपछि हत्या गरिएको देखिएको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय मधुमल्लाका प्रहरी नायब निरीक्षक किरण प्रसाईंले बताए । थप अनुसन्धान भइरहेको उनले बताए । Update... मिक्लाजुङ्ग गाँउपालिका-७ की ४४ वर्षीया शान्तिकला तामाङलाई बलात्कारपछि हत्या गरेको आरोपमा प्रहरीले सोही ठाउँका ३० वर्षीय हिकबहादुर बस्नेतलाई असार १३ गते गिरफ्तार गरेको छ । शान्तिकलालाई आरोपितले फागुन २० गते बलात्कारपछि हत्या गरेर फालेको अवस्थामा शव फेला परेको थियो । सो घटनामा संलग्न्न भएको आरोपमा बस्नेतलाई घरैबाट गिरफ्तार गरिएको जिल्ला पञ्हरी कार्यालय मोरङका एसपी मनोज केसीले बताए । बलात्कारपछि अनुहारमा ढुङ्गाले किचेर हत्या गरिएको अवस्थामा शव फेला परेको प्रहरीको भनाई छ । गिरफ्तार गरिएका बस्नेतलाई कर्तव्य ज्यान मुद्दामा अनुसन्धान थालिएको एसपी केसीले बताए । शवको पोष्टमार्टम फागुन २० गते उर्लावारीस्थित मङ्गलबारे अस्पतालमा गरिएको थियो ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Sexual Assault
Secondary Form Murder/attempted Murder
Weapons Blunt weapon , Blunt weapon
Primary Cause Rape/sexual assault
Actor 1 - Number of people 3
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals , Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Killed 1
Female Killed 1
Total Raped 1
Female Raped 1
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Morang , INSEC , Local Newspaper - Jhapa