Incident Reports

Hubby thrashes deputy mayor over minor dispute


Bagmati, Lalitpur, Godawari

Deputy Mayor of Godawari Municipality Muna Adhikari has been injured after being thrashed by her husband over a minor dispute. According to Police Inspector Sundar Chaulagain of Metropolitan Police Circle, Satdobato, Dhruba Kunwar, Adhikari’s husband, manhandled her over a minor dispute. Adhikari has received a deep cut to her eye and injury marks on her body. Kunwar has been taken under police custody. Injured deputy mayor Adhikari has returned home following treatment, family sources said. Adhikari had been elected as the deputy mayor of Godawari Municipality from Nepali Congress in the local level elections. ललितपुरको गोदावरी नगरपालिकाकी उपमेयर मुना अधिकारी श्रीमान्को कुटपिटबाट घाइते भएकी छन् । न्यायिक समितिको संयोजक समेत रहेकी उपमेयर अधिकारीको श्रीमान् ध्रुव कुँवरले उनीमाथि कुटपिट गरेका हुन् । मंगलबार साँझ श्रीमान्को कुटपिटबाट घाइते बनेकी अधिकारीले ललितपुर प्रहरी परिसरमा श्रीमान्विरुद्ध ठोडो उजुरी दिएकी छन् । र, श्रीमान्लाई नियन्त्रणमा लिइएको छ । यस विषयमा ललितपुर प्रहरीका प्रहरी नायब उपरीक्षक (डिएसपी) नरेन्द्र चन्दसँग जिज्ञासा राख्दा उनले घरायसी विवाद भएको भन्दै अहिले छलफल भइरहेको बताए । श्रीमान्विरुद्ध उजुरी दिएपछि महानगरीय प्रहरी वृत्त, सातदोबाटोले कुँवरलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएर परिसरमा जिम्मा लगाएको थियो ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons None
Primary Cause Domestic violence
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Family/relative
Actor 1 - Youth noyouth
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Family/relative
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
National/Online Media , INSEC