Incident Reports

Mechi Times: Locals padlock ward office against undue road expansion


Province 1, Jhapa, Bhadrapur

Locals of Bhadrapur ward numbers 1,2 and 3 padlocked their ward offices against the local government's decision to halt registration of houses and lands along Prithvinagar section of Kechana-Charali Sub-Highway for road expansion. As many as 450 locals forming a struggle committee padlocked the ward offices and also staged a sit-in for 2 hours in its premises on May 31. हुलाकी सडक अन्तर्गत सहायक राजमार्गका रूपमा रहेको केचना चारआली सडकको पृथ्वीनगर खण्डका स्थानीयले घरनक्सा पास रोकेर नगर प्रशासनले अन्याय गरको भन्दै वडा कार्यालयमा तालाबन्दी गरेका छन्। सडक विस्तारक नाममा नगरपालिका तथा वडा कार्यालयले सडक आसपासका सर्वसाधारणलाई सुकुमबासी बनाउने षड्यन्त्र गरेको भन्दै पिडित स्थानीयले तीनवटा वडा कार्यालयमा तालाबन्दी गरी दुइघण्टा विरोध स्वरूप धर्ना दिएका हुन्। सो धर्ना हाल भद्रपुर १,२ र ३ नम्बर वडामा बसोबास गर्दै आएका स्थानीयले दिएका हुन् । स्थानीयले घर-नक्सापास पिडित न्याय माग समिति गठन गरेर केहि महिनायता शिवकुमार राजभण्डारीको संयोजकत्वमा आन्दोलन गरिरहेका छन् । सोहि समिति मार्फत साढे चार सय भन्दा बढी नगरवासी धर्ना दिन गएका थिए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Gherau/Dharna (sit-in)/padlocking
Primary Cause Access/control of development infrastructure (roads, bridges)
Actor 1 - Number of people 100
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Local authorities (incl VDC, district, gov. line agencies at local level except education and health)
Actor 2 - Youth na
Local Newspaper - Jhapa