Incident Reports

Terai Express:Farmers protest by throwing their produce in the street at Lalbandi


Madhes, Sarlahi, Lalbandi

Locals farmers of Sarlahi demonstrated against retailers at Lalbandi on Aug 5. The agitated farmers threw away all the vegetables in the streets that they had bought for sale . According to them, the shop keepers refused to buy any vegetables even at a low price of Rs 2. Meanwhile, the shopkeepers said that they were unable to buy any more from the farmers due to over production this year. The farmer's protest affected transportation for half-an hour at the East-West Highway in Lalbandi. लालबन्दीका किसानले बिक्रि नभएको तरकारी सडकमै फालेका छन् । बेच्नका लागि बजार ल्याएको घिरौला व्यापारीले नाकिनेपछी किसानले राजमार्गमै तरकारी फालेर विरोध जनाएका हुन् ।किसानले नबिकेको तरकारी पूर्व-पश्चिम राजमार्गमै फालेर विरोध जनाउँदा शनिबार बिहान करिब आधा घण्टा गाडी जाम भएको थियो । प्रहरीले बल प्रयोग गरेर राजमार्ग खुलाएको छ । धेरै उत्पादन भएपछी पछिल्लो केहिदिन यता लालबन्दी बजारमा तरकारीको मूल्य निकै घटेको छ । व्यापारीहरुले भने चाहिने भन्दा बढी तरकारी बजार आएकाले किन्न नसकिएको बताएका छन् ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Demonstration
Primary Cause Other economic issues
Actor 1 - Number of people 30
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Other private sectors
Actor 2 - Youth na
Local Newspaper - Rautahat