On 24th November, people of Bairiyabirta-5 has removed a drinking tap when Laxmi Raut Dom of the same place drank water from it on November 24. Due to this incident, locals are facing water crisis. Dom said on drinking water from the public tap, locals Barhadev Yadav, Chokat Yadav are threatening her. When so called 'high-class' people displaced the tap, local people are forced to consume polluted drinking water. Their request for the re-connection of the tap was unheard, they reported to District Police Office, Parsa said Dom. Inspector, Anil Ghimire of Area Police Office Pokhariya said he has ordered to reconnect the tap.
Violent / Non-violent | Violent |
Onesided / Twosided | Onesided |
Collective / Interpersonal | Collective |
Primary Form | Vandalism |
Secondary Form | Threat/intimidation |
Weapons | None |
Primary Cause | Related to discrimination against Dalits |
Actor 1 - Number of people | 3 |
Actor 1 - Affiliations | Citizen/Individuals |
Actor 1 - Youth | unknown |
Actor 2 - Number of people | 1 |
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) | Dalit |
Actor 2 - Youth | unknown |
Trends of Violence and Contestation in Nepal, September - November 2020
December 29, 2020
GBV / Political / Dalit / Human Rights / Governance / Covid-19
Trends of Violence And Contestation In Nepal, June - August
October 11, 2020
GBV / Political / Dalit / Human Rights / Governance / Covid-19
The Nepal Peace Monitor Annual Review: 2019
May 24, 2020
GBV / Political / Dalit / Human Rights / Interpersonal Violence / Governance