Incident Reports

Two arrested in accusation of arranging child marriage


Madhes, Saptari, Ward 11

57-year old Sishir Kanta Jha and 20-year-old Sudhira Jha of Rajbiraj municipality-2 have been arrested on charge of marrying away a 14-year-old girl with 45-year-old man from Bihar, India. Sishir is grandfather and Sudhira is aunt of the minor girl. Sudhira's 4-month-old daughter is also in custody with her mother. DSP Dan Bahadur Karki informed that the accused were arrested based on a complaint filed by victim's mother, Archana Jha of Barmajhiya VDC-2. Police added that they are also searching for 55-year-old Sushila Jha(grandmother of victim) and 25-year-old Raman Jha(maternal uncle), mentioned as other accomplices in case. The victim had been living in her maternal uncle's house since her father's disappearance in 2014. Archana had filed a complaint on March 11 stating that her daughter, a minor, was married to an Indian citizen without her consent and knowledge. १४ वर्षीया एक बालिकाको भारत विहार बसहाका ४५ वर्षीय पुरूषसँग विवाह गरेको आरोपमा पीडितका मावलीका हजुरबुवा राजविराज नपा-२ का ५७ वर्षीय शिशिरकान्त झा र माइज्यु २० वर्षीया सुधिरा झालाई प्रहरीले गिरफ्तार गरेको छ । सुधिरासँगै उनको चार महिनाको दुधे बालिका छोरी पनि जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयको नियन्त्रणमा रहेकी छिन् । पीडित बालिकाकी आमा बरमझिया गाविस-२ की अर्चना झाको उजुरीको आधारमा आरोपितहरूलाई गिरफ्तार गरी मुद्दा दर्ता गरिएको डिएसपी दानबहादुर कार्कीले बताए । उजुरीमा उल्लेखित पीडितकी मावलीकी हजुरआमा ५५ वर्षीया सुशिला झा र मामा २५ वर्षीय रमण झाको खोजी कार्य जारी रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । बुवा २०७१ सालदेखि घरबाट बेपत्ता भएपछि पीडित बालिका मामाघरमा बसेर पढदै आएकी थिइन् । पीडितकी आमा अर्चनाले आफ्नो जानकारी र मञ्जुरीबिना आरोपितहरूले ललाई फकाई नाबालिका छोरीको भारतीय नागरिकसँग फागुन २८ गते विवाह गरिदिएको भनी उजुरी दिएकी छिन् ।