Incident Reports

Trafficking victim rescued from India


An NGO working against human trafficking has rescued a woman who was sold in India by her own relative three years ago. Peace Rehabilitation Center (PRC) rescued the woman from Dehradun after finding out that the woman was sold by her aunt, said program coordinator of PRC Basudev Bhattarai. Bhattarai added that police had already arrested the accused six month ago from Dehradun for selling the victim under the pretext of providing her job. The victim has been brought to Dhangadhi on March 21 with the help of Nari Niketan Dehradun. She would be kept at the periodic home of PRC for some days and handed over to her family after they come in contact, said Bhattarai. Sumitra Bhattarai मानव बेचबिखनविरुद्ध काम गरिरहेको शान्ति पुर्नस्थापना केन्द्रले तीनवर्षअघि आफ्नै फुपूबाट बेचिएकी कैलालीकी एक किशोरीको उद्दार गरेको छ । पीडित किशोरी आफ्नै फुपूबाट बेचिएको खबर पाएपछि शान्ति पुर्नस्थापना केन्द्रले देहरादुन पुगेर उद्दार गरेको संस्थाका कार्यक्रम संयोजक वासुदेव भट्टराईले बताए । किशोरीलाई भारतमा काम लगाईदिने भन्दै लाने आरोपित फुपूलाई भने ६ महिना अघि नै प्रहरीले देहरादुनबाटै पक्राउ गरेको संयोजक भट्टराईले जानकारी दिए । नारी निकेतन देहरादुनको सहयोगमा उद्धार गरिएकी किशोरीलाई चैत ९ गते बिहान धनगढी ल्याइएको छ । किशोरीलाई केही दिन संस्थाको आबाधिक गृहमा राखिने र परिवारका सदस्य सम्पर्कमा आएपछि परिवारको जिम्मा लगाईने पनि संयोजक भट्टराईले बताए ।