Bagmati Reports

GBV / Bhaktapur

Man accused of raping daughter remanded
Bagmati, Bhaktapur, Madhyapur Thimi, Ward 5
January 10, 2017

Interpersonal Violence / Dolakha

Youth seriously injured in khukuri attack
Bagmati, Dolakha, Baiteshwor, Ward 6
January 09, 2017

Interpersonal Violence / Lalitpur

Man strikes neighbour to death in Godawari
Bagmati, Lalitpur, Godawari, Ward 3
January 06, 2017

Governance / Sindhuli

Office picketed
January 05, 2017

Interpersonal Violence / Kathmandu

Suspected mugger arrested from Koteshwor
Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Ward 32
January 04, 2017

Governance / Kabhrepalanchok

Two arrested with illegal weapon
Bagmati, Kabhrepalanchok, Chaurideurali, Ward 1
January 04, 2017

Interpersonal Violence / Kathmandu

Three arrested for kidnapping minor
Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kageshwori Manahora
December 30, 2016