On Sunday, Dr Jitendra Singh of the District Hospital, Doti was attacked by the family members of a woman, accusing him of misbehaving with her. Following the attack, doctors had left the district as a part of a protest demanding action against those involved. Dr Bibash Parajuli, Dr Jitendra Singh and Dr Raj Kumar Bishwokarma of Saraswatinagar Primary Health Center were among the doctors who left the district on Wednesday. Besides them, doctors of some private hospitals have also left the district.
Family members of the woman had accused Dr Singh of misbehaving with her while conducting her video X-ray. Dr Singh lost one of his teeth in the attack. As soon as the incident was publicized, Nepal Medical Association (NMA) and Government Doctors Association Nepal (GODAN) released separate statements urging the doctors working in private and government hospitals of Doti to leave the district.
District Police Office (DPO), Doti has arrested four individuals for their alleged involvement in the attack and has also registered a public offense case against them. The arrestees have been identified as Hikmat Singh Bista, Bijay Bista, Tek Bahadur Bista of Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality-7 and Arun Mahat of Dipayal Silgadhi-6.
जिल्ला अस्पताल डोटीमा कार्यरत डा जितेन्द्र सिंहमाथि सांघातिक आक्रमण भएको छ।
आइतबार दिउँसो साढे २ बजे उनीमाथि आक्रमण भएको हो। टाउको, हात लगायतमा गम्भीर चोट लागेका सिंहको हाल सोही अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको छ। उनको नाथ्री फुट्नुका साथै दाँतसमेत भाँच्चिएको छ।
अस्पतालका मेडिकल सुपरिटेन्डेन्टको कक्षमा बसिरहेको अवस्थामा आफूमाथि विजयसिंह विष्ट, टेकबहादुर विष्ट, हिक्मतबहादुर विष्ट, अरुण महत लगायतको टोलीले कुटपिट गरेको पीडित सिंहले बताए।
घटनाको विरोध गर्दै चिकित्सक समाज नेपालले दोषीमाथि कारबाहीको माग गरेको छ। चिकित्सा जस्तो संवेदनशील क्षेत्रमा हुने गरेका आक्रमणका दोषीउपर चाँडै कारबाही नभए आन्दोलनको चेतावनीसमेत दिइएको छ।