Incident Reports

Nurses of BP's Covid Hospital boycott duty for 3 hours


Province 1, Sunsari, Dharan

The staff nurses of BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, started agitation by boycotting Covid Hospital for about three hours. The nurses picketed in front of the quarantined Delhi Public School accusing the hospital of ignoring the needs of staff nurses assigned for Covid treatment. 

Health workers, including staff nurses, started the agitation after the management of the establishment instructed them to go home after duty saying that they would not be kept in quarantine from Sunday, October 25 and they would not be even provided with the facilities such as food and PCR tests.

After the nurses left their duty and started agitation, Metron Gayatri Rai reached the site. After the discussion was not successful in the first phase, the sit-in of the staff nurses was prolonged. Later, Rai came to the site again and discussed. A staff nurse said the movement was called off after she made a commitment to quarantine, provide food and do PCR as in the past.

Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Primary Form Gherau/Dharna (sit-in)/padlocking
Primary Cause Issues related to the quality of public services (health, education etc.)and access to these services
Secondary Cause Healthcare Management
Actor 1 - Number of people n/a
Actor 1 - Affiliations Health sector/health workers, doctors
Actor 1 - Youth na
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Health sector/health workers, doctors
Actor 2 - Youth na
National/Online Media