Incident Reports

द्वन्दकालका मानव अधिकार हनन घटनाका मुद्दा एक बर्षमै टुंगो लगाउने सत्य निरुपण आयोगको भनाई


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission plans to probe into human rights violations from the decade-long armed conflict in Nepal within 10 months. According to a plan of action set up by the transitional justice mechanism, the Commission would submit its final report to the government by the first half of February next year. The Commission presented its plan of action at a meeting of the Social Justice and Human Rights Committee of the Parliament today. The mechanism plans to collect complaints on human rights violation during the war era, from April 17 to June 16, via District Peace Committee Secretariats. Then, a probe committee involving experts would carry out a preliminary investigation into the complaints in next three months before launching a detailed investigation. The detailed investigation process would last as long as six months. The Commission also plans to issue identity cards to victims of the conflict before concluding the investigation. Meanwhile, the Commission published a public notice today requesting members of the public to register their complains on war-era human rights violation cases involving civilians including murder, abduction and hostage, injuries and making ones disable, physical and psychological harassment and torture, rape and sexual violence, property crimes, enforced displacement and other activities deemed crimes against humanity as per the international human rights and humanitarian laws. Besides the Peace Committee Secretariats, complaints can also be filed via post box, email, phone or in person.


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