Incident Reports

Adarsha Samaj: Transportation shut down in Mustang


Gandaki, Mustang, Dalome

Jeep and bus entrepreneurs in Mustang have shut down their transportation services from September 18 to protest the inability of local administration to manage the outside transportation that enters the district. The entrepreneurs have demanded to prohibit the seat pass for those vehicles that exceeds the capacity for 70 km gravel road of Jomsom. According to them, local administration has tried to put their employment at great risk by allowing vehicles of 36 seat to pass in the district against the Transportation Management Office decision of allowing vehicles of only 26 Seat capacity. मुस्ताङमा स्थानीय प्रशासनले जिल्लाभित्र भित्रिने बाह्य सवारी साधनलाई व्यबस्थित गर्न नसकेको भन्दै मुस्ताङ जिप तथा बस व्यबसायीले आईतवार असोज २ गते देखी आफ्नो सेवा अनिस्चित कालका लागि बन्द गरेका छन् । यातायात व्यवसायीले बेनी - जोमसोम ७० किलोमिटर कच्ची सडकमा क्षमताभन्दा बढी सिट पास भएका बसलाई जिल्ला प्रवेशमा रोक लगाउन माग गरेका छन् । बेनी-जोमसोमा सडकका लागि यातायात व्यवस्था कार्यालयले २६ सिट क्षमता भएका सवारीलाई मात्र अनुमती दिएकोमा जिल्लामा ३६ सिट क्षमताका सवारीलाई प्रवेश गराएर स्थानिय यातायात व्यवसायिलाई धरासयी बनाउन खोजेको आरोप लगाएका छन् ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Event Duration More than 1 day
Primary Form Strike/Bandh
Primary Cause Access/control of economic markets (syndicates, market relocation)
Actor 1 - Number of people 12
Actor 1 - Affiliations Protesters/demonstrators
Actor 1 - Youth na
Actor 2 - Youth na
Local Newspaper - Kaski