Locals of Rautahat Durga Bhagwati rural municipality staged a demonstration in Rautahat after Santosh Kumar Jha, a 16-year-old youth died in a motorcycle accident. The demonstrators have accused the police of helping the accused to escape. The accused absconded the scene after the accident and the victim died during the treatment. Locals staged demonstrations saying that no action has been taken by the local representatives and police after the incident. On the contrary, the police reported that they were unaware of the accident and from the CCTV footage, the number plate of the accused's motorcycle is not clear.
Violent / Non-violent | Nonviolent |
Primary Form | Demonstration |
Primary Cause | Extra-judicial response to traffic accidents |
Actor 1 - Number of people | n/a |
Actor 1 - Affiliations | Citizen/Individuals |
Actor 1 - Youth | unknown |
Actor 2 - Number of people | n/a |
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) | Government and civil servants at central level |
Actor 2 - Youth | unknown |
October 25, 2021
Human Trafficking / LGBT+ Rights / GBV / Political / Children’s Rights / Senior Citizens’ Rights / HRD Issues / Human Rights / Interpersonal Violence / Governance / Covid-19 / Civic-Space / PwD