Tag (Elections)

Elections / Dhanusha

NC and UML cadres clash in Dhanusha
Madhes, Dhanusha, Nagarain, Ward 8
September 16, 2017

Elections / Saptari

CPN-UML condemns manhandling of woman candidate
Madhes, Saptari, Saptakoshi, Ward 4
September 14, 2017

Elections / Saptari

Explosive recovered
Madhes, Saptari, Saptakoshi
September 14, 2017

Elections / Sarlahi

RJP-N cadres ‘beaten’
Madhes, Sarlahi, Haripur, Ward 7
September 14, 2017

Elections / Mahottari

Cylinder bomb goes off in Mahottari
Madhes, Mahottari, Gaushala, Ward 8
September 12, 2017

Elections / Parsa

Janakpur Today: Bomb goes off in Birgunj
Madhes, Parsa, Birgunj, Ward 10
September 11, 2017

Elections / Bara

Minister of State in custody of local people
Madhes, Bara, Jitpur Simara, Ward 11
September 08, 2017

Elections / Bara

Janakpur Today: Bomb planted at UML candidate's house goes off
Madhes, Bara, Jitpur Simara, Ward 16
September 08, 2017