Police in Siraha have been accused of trying to hide the incident of assault on a Dalit woman and her daughter. Lalita Marik of Lahan municipality-18 and her daugher Amirka Marik were beaten by their neighbors Ayodhi Sadaya, Sakal Sadaya, and Birodhi Mahato after Lalita's 8-year-old son touched Ayodhi's grand-son Ashok Sadaya on February 15. Police are pressuring the victim to reconcile following the incident instead of taking action against the assaulters.
According to Lalita's husband, police were pressuring the victims to reconcile with the assaulters although they had lodged a complaint against them.
BothLalita Marik and Amirka Marik sustained injuries in the attack.
Violent / Non-violent | Violent |
Onesided / Twosided | Onesided |
Collective / Interpersonal | Interpersonal |
Primary Form | Assault (small group) |
Weapons | Unclear |
Primary Cause | Related to discrimination against Dalits |
Actor 1 - Number of people | 3 |
Actor 1 - Affiliations | Citizen/Individuals |
Actor 1 - Youth | unknown |
Actor 2 - Number of people | 2 |
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) | Dalit |
Actor 2 - Youth | youth |
Total Injured | 2 |
Female Injured | 2 |
Youth Injured | 1 |
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Trends of Violence And Contestation In Nepal, June - August
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