Incident Reports

Ganga Maya breaks her fast


Ganga Maya Adhikari has broken her hunger strike after 32 days after rights defenders convinced her that she should be strong enough to give her statement to fight legal battle for justice. Adhikari, who has not eaten solid food since death of her husband two years ago, has been demanding justice for her murdered teenage son Krishan Prasad, allegedly abducted and killed by then-rebel Maoists in 2004. "We convinced her that she needs to be able to register her statement to the court," said rights lawyer Om Prakash Aryal. Chitwan district court on Sunday had decided to send registrar Gehendra Raj Panta in the Capital to record Gangamaya’s statement as she was unable to go to the court in person to register her statement. The court has postponed the hearing in the case four times as the petitioner failed to show up to give the statement. Pant will record her statement on September 18. The next hearing of the case is scheduled for September 25. "We are assured by Attorney General Raman Shrestha that he would also detain one of the accused as directed by the court after she breaks the fast," said Charan Prasai, rights defender who has been following the case. "I hope he keeps his promise." 

update.................................... Hearing on Krishna Prasad Adhikari’s murder starts The hearing on the 2004 murder of Krishna Prasad Adhikari by the then Maoist rebels began in Chitwan District Court on Sunday. District Attorney Maniram Neupane and Assistant District Attorney Udaya Chandra Adhikari completed their hearing on behalf of the plaintiff while six advocates carried out hearing from the side of the petitioner on Sunday. The hearing was presided over by Judge Tek Narayan Kunwar. “The hearing from plaintiff and petitioner completed today. The hearing of the defendants will take place tomorrow,” Krishna Prasad Baral, the information officer at the court, said on Sunday. Eleven advocates on behalf of defendants have registered their names for the hearing. Gehendra Raj Pant, the court registrar, recorded the statement regarding the case from the victim’s mother Ganga Maya Adhikari from the hospital bed in Kathmandu on October 18. Ganga Maya is under medical observation after she ended her fast-unto-death protest demanding justice for her son. Her husband, Nanda Prasad, died during hunger strike two years ago. The Adhikaris have filed a murder case against 13 former Maoist rebels.