Incident Reports

NayaPatrika: Truth and Reconciliation Commission work halted since 2 months



(Updated) The work of Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been halted since 2 months. According to Commission Secretary Krishna Subedi, since February 12, President Surya Kumar Gurung has not shown his presence in the office due to which every work has been affected. It is learnt that, President Gurung and Commission member Dr. Madhav Bhatta had a internal conflict between them from the meeting which was held on February 2. Since the meeting, President Gurung has taken stand that he will not come to office unless Dr. Bhatta is removed from the Commission. The work like, receiving comlaints of victim, conducting meetings, leave approval, field visit etc has been affected on his absence said the employees. Due to the absence of President Gurung, the complained filed by the victim has been stranded. They are not able to investigate on any cases. सत्य निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोगको कामकाज विगत दुई महिनादेखि ठप्प भएको छ । आयोगका अध्यक्ष सूर्यकिरण गुरुङ फागुन १ गतेदेखि कार्यालयमा उपस्थित नभएको आयोगका सदस्यसचिव श्रीकृष्ण सुवेदीले जानकारी दिए । अध्यक्ष उपस्थित नहुँदा कार्यालयको सम्पूर्ण कामकाज प्रभावित भएको छ । आयोगका अध्यक्ष गुरुङ र सदस्य डा. माधवी भट्टबीचको मनमुटाब बढ्दै गएपछि आयोग अध्यक्ष कार्यालयमा अनुपस्थित भएका हुन् । गत २० माघमा बसेको आयोगको बैठकमा अध्यक्ष गुरुङ र सदस्य डा. भट्टबीच विवाद भएको थियो । सदस्य डा. भट्टले आफूमाथि अपशब्द प्रयोग गरेको भन्दै अध्यक्ष गुरुङ कार्यालय आउन छाडेका हुन् । सदस्य डा. भट्टलाई आयोगबाट नहटाएसम्म कार्यालयमा नआउने अध्यक्ष गुरुङको अडान छ । कामकाज प्रभावित अध्यक्ष गुरुङ कार्यालयमा उपस्थित हुन नसक्दा आयोगका सबै काम प्रभावित भएको आयोग सदस्यहरूको गुनासो छ । पीडितहरूको उजुरी छानबिन गर्ने, बैठक बोलाउने, बिदा स्वीकृत गर्ने, जिल्ला भ्रमण जाने, तोक आदेश गर्नेजस्ता आयोगको महत्वपूर्ण कामहरू पूर्ण रूपमा प्रभावित भएको आयोगका सदस्यहरूको भनाइ छ । अध्यक्षको अनुपस्थिति भएका वेला सदस्यहरूमध्ये सिनियर सदस्यको अध्यक्षतामा बैठक राख्ने प्रावधान छ । तर, कुनै ठोस निर्णय नभई कामचलाउ निर्णय लिने अधिकार मात्रै तोकिएको छ । अध्यक्षबाहेक अन्य सदस्यसँग अधिकार नरहेकाले सबै निर्णय हुन नसकेको सदस्यसचिव श्रीकृष्ण सुवेदीले बताए । दुई महिनामा २ वटा बैठक आयोगको विवादले दुई महिनादेखि कुनै पनि काम भएका छैनन् । आन्तरिक विवादले सबै उजुरीहरू अलपत्रमा छन् । कुनै उजुरीमाथि छानबिन हुन सकेको छैन । अध्यक्ष अनुपस्थित भएसँगै अहिलेसम्म दुईपटक मात्रै बैठक बसेको छ । त्यो बैठकले कुनै ठूलो निर्णय नगरी आगामी वर्षको कार्ययोजना मात्र बनाएको सचिव सुवेदीले बताए । Update....................................... Truth and Reconciliation Committee member Madhabi Bhatta today once again urged the TRC Secretariat to call an immediate meeting of the transitional body. Writing a letter to the secretariat, she said the body’s meeting should be called by the senior-most member in absence of its Chairman Surya Kiran Gurung, who has not reported to work for the last two months. Earlier, Bhatta had urged the TRC Secretariat to call its meeting twice in February and March — after a long-absence of Chairman Gurung. In absence of the chairman, senior-most member can call a meeting, she said. She said that the investigation into more than 52,000 complaints lodged at the TRC by the conflict victims had been affected. TRC Secretary Mani Ram Ojha has written a note to all TRC members seeking their view on calling the meeting in absence of Chairman Gurung.