Incident Reports

Ganga Maya Adhikari begins yet another fast-unto-death


Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kathmandu

Ganga Maya Adhikari, who has been seeking justice for the murder of her son Krishna Prasad Adhikari for the past 13 years, has started yet another fast-unto-death from Tuesday. Adhikari, 61, a permanent residence of Phujel, Gorkha, announced from the bed of Bir Hospital that she has started her fast-unto-death. “I will not eat anything until I get justice,” she said, adding, “I don’t care for my life, I will not break fast-unto-death until my demands are addressed.” Krishna Prasad was murdered during the Maoist insurgency in the country on June 6, 2004. Adhikari and her husband, Nanda Prasad, had first begun their hunger strike in front of the Prime Minister’s official residence in Baluwatar in January 2013. They started their second hunger strike the following month and ended it on the 47th day following an agreement with the government, which assured action against some suspects, including Parshuram Paudel. But, they were later released. Nanda Prasad died after 329 days of the hunger strike on September 22, 2014 at the Hospital. Even after losing her husband, Ganga Maya had continued her hunger strike for a total of 360 days until the government signed a five-point deal with her in October 2015. “The government should have let me die with my husband but I was feed forcibly,” Ganga Maya said. “Many people had sympathised with me and said I will get justice one day. Now, I have not seen any hope to get the justice. Therefore, I am using the last option.” न्यायका लागि सङ्घर्षरत गोरखा फुजेलकी गङ्गामाया अधिकारीले सहिद दिवसको दिन पारेर माघ १६ गतेबाट पुन: आमरण अनसन बस्ने उद्घोष गरेकी छन् । यसअघिका पत्रकार भेटघाटमा भन्दा आज उनी निकै भावुक बनेकी थिइन् । विर अस्पतालमा उपचारसहित न्यायिक अभियानमा रहेकी अधिकारी आज आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा बोल्नका लागि निकै बेर तयार हुनै सकिनन् । “देशकै लागि मैले छोरा र पति गुमाएकी छु । म पनि सहिदकी आमा हुँ । सहिदकी पत्नी हुँ । सायद मेरो बाटो पनि यही नै होला । कसले सुन्नुपर्ने हो ? सुन, अब मेरो लाश यहाँबाट बाहिर जान्छ ।”-आँसु झार्दै उनले पत्रकार सामु भनिन् । पत्रकारहरूसँग कुरा गर्नु अघि नै उनले अधिकारकर्मीहरूलाई भनिन्-“आज मेरो मूल फुटेको छ, न्याय पाइएला की भनेर केही समय चुप लागेकी थिएँ । शुभचिन्तकहरूलाई पनि नआउनु भनेकी थिएँ । नआओ भन्छु आउँछन् । मलाई मर्न देउ !”-रुँदारुँदै विक्षिप्त भएकी उनले सिरानीमा भएको गीता छोएर भनिन्-“म न्यायका लागि लडेकी हुँ । न्याय नपाए मर्न तयार छु । आजदेखि पानीसमेत खान्न । आमरण अनशन बस्छु ।” उनले चिकित्सकलाई स्लाइन नदिन र निगरानीसमेत नगर्न अनुरोध गरेको बताउँदै खुल्लामञ्चमा गएर अनसन बस्ने इच्छा व्यक्त गरिन् । तर, उनको उपचारमा संलग्न डाक्टर विकास सहनीले भने गङ्गामायाले खानेकुरा खान छाडे फोक्सोमा गम्भीर समस्या देखिने तथा स्वास्थ्य अवस्था गम्भीर बन्ने बताए । उनले किटानी जाहेरी दिएका दोषी उपर कारबाही गर्न अदालतले आनाकानी गरेको भन्दै न्यायाधीशविरुद्ध पनि आक्रोश पोखिन् । न्याय पाउने देशको ढोका लगभग बन्द भएको भन्दै अधिकारीले शुभचिन्तकहरूमार्फत अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय निकायलाई गुहार गर्ने जनाउ दिइन् । इन्सेकका अध्यक्ष एवम् अधिकारकर्मी सुबोधराज प्याकुरेलले न्यायिक लडाइँमा सधैँ साथ दिने बताउँदै आफैँलाई हानी हुने गरी अनसन नबस्न आग्रह गरे । जबाफदेहीता निगरानी समितिका संयोजक एवम् अधिकारकर्मी चरण प्रसाइँले न्याय दिनुपर्ने निकायले अनदेखा गरेकाले गङ्गामाया थप विक्षिप्त बनेकी बताए । अधिवक्ता ओमप्रकाश अर्यालले भने-“गङ्गामायाले ढिलो चाँडो न्याय पाएरै छाड्छिन् ।”
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Strike/Bandh
Primary Cause Contestation related to transitional justice and human rights
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals , Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth noyouth
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Other state institutions
Actor 2 - Youth na
National/Online Media , INSEC