Incident Reports

Appeal at LPC seeking return of captured land Rukum


Lumbini, Rukum East, Chaurjahari

Rukum/Feb 4, 2058 saal ma Maobadi dwaara kabjaa gariyeko jaggaa firta garai dina bhandai Sthaaniya Shanti Samiti ma ujuri. Gopal Prasad Sharma of Kholagaon VDC-4 has filed an application at Rukum Local Peace Committee seeking for return of his land captured in 2001 by the then rebels. He filed the appeal saying his land with an area of 1,700 sq meters with the plot no. 583 in Kholagaon VDC-9 was yet to be returned. The Maoists had assaulted him, poured acid on his eyes and set him on fire after sprinkling him with kerosene in August 1998. He managed to flee and survive; however, he was left to live a displaced life in the district headquarters. The Maoists gave the land to local Shyamlal Damai after the capture, Sharma said adding he initiated the process to get that back the land after the peace process but nothing has happened yet. Shyam Lal Damai who got the land from the Maoists says that he would not return the land that was given to him by the party. Damai was the Maoists Village Government head when the land was captured. Currently, he is a local cadre of Mohan Baidhya-led CPN-M. UCPN-M district chairperson Gopal Sharma alias Anal said that his party has not held anyone’s land and that all the captured land were returned after the end of the conflict. LPC coordinator Khadka Bahadur Dangi said that they would initiate the process of return of the captured land. Adarsha KC रुकुम खोलागाउँ-४ का गोपालप्रसाद शर्माले ०५८ सालमा तत्कालीन नेकपा माओवादीद्वारा कब्जा गरिएको आफ्नो जग्गा हालसम्म पनि फिर्ता नभएपछि स्थानीय शान्ति समिति रुकुममा जग्गा फिर्ताको लागि पहल गरिदिन माग गर्दै माघ २१ उजुरी दिएका छन् । तत्कालीन नेकपा माआवादीलेद्वारा कब्जा गरिएको खोलागाउँ-९ मा रहेको ५८३ नं. कित्ता जग्गा फिर्ता नभएको भन्दै पीडितले स्थानीय शान्ति समिति रुकुममा उजुरी दिएका हुन् । तत्कालीन नेकपा माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले शर्मालाई २०५५ साल साउन महिनामा आँखामा तेजाब र मट्टतिेल छर्केर आगो लगाएका थिए । त्यही बेला उनी भागेर बाँच्न सफल भई सदरमुकाममा बिस्थापित बनेका थिए । माओवादीले २०५८ सालमा शर्माको १७ सय वर्ग मिटर जग्गा कब्जा गरी स्थानीय कार्यकर्ताहरु श्यामलाल दमाइलाई भोगचलन गर्न दिएको थियो । शान्ति प्रकृया शुरू भएपछि पीडितले जग्गा फिर्ताको लागि पहल गरे पनि फिर्ता नभएपछि फेरि उजुरी दिएको