Madhes Reports

Interpersonal Violence / Saptari

Mother jumps into Saptakoshi River with four children
Madhes, Saptari, Hanumannagar Kankalini, Ward 1
July 06, 2019

Interpersonal Violence / Sarlahi

Woman arrested on the charge of killing her husband
Madhes, Sarlahi, Ishworpur, Ward 12
July 06, 2019

Governance / Sarlahi

Robber arrested
Madhes, Sarlahi, Chandranagar, Ward 6
July 05, 2019

Interpersonal Violence / Parsa

Three injured from student's attack in Birgunj
Madhes, Parsa, Birgunj, Ward 15
July 05, 2019

GBV / Saptari

Son held for killing mother in Saptari
Madhes, Saptari, Surunga, Ward 1
July 05, 2019

Children’s Rights / Bara

Woman absconding after poisoning her own children
Madhes, Bara, Suwarna, Ward 4
July 04, 2019

GBV / Saptari

Two men rape a Dalit girl
Madhes, Saptari, Tilathi Koiladi, Ward 7
July 04, 2019

GBV / Saptari

Two men accused of raping teenage girl
Madhes, Saptari, Tilathi Koiladi, Ward 7
July 03, 2019

GBV / Dhanusha

Man arrested on charge of rape
Madhes, Dhanusha, Dhanusadham, Ward 7
July 02, 2019

Interpersonal Violence / Siraha

Relative arrested on charge of attempted killing
Madhes, Siraha, Siraha, Ward 9
June 29, 2019