Incident Reports

द्वन्द्वपीडित भन्छन्-'उजुरी दिने प्रक्रिया सहज छैन'


Sudurpashchim, Kailali, Mohanyal

The participants of a discussion program held with conflict victims organised by “conflict victim Sajha Chautari” has said that the process of collecting complaint by TRC and CIED is getting more complex. The participants complained that there was less number of the complaint lodged because of the geographical difficulties and lack of information flow to the victims. Conflict victim Hira Bhandary of Kanchanpur said that there were difficulties for women to openly express their problem with male staff while lodging a complaint at the local peace committee. Similarly, Kriti Chaudhary of Masuriya, Kailali said that the victims from the Tharu community are facing difficulties in lodging complaint as their language is being a barrier.

Conflict victim Dharam Chaudhary of Kanchanpur said that there was less number of the complaint lodged because both the commissions have access only to the local peace committee but not with the conflict victims. There was relatively less number of complaints lodged because the victims doubt on getting justice, said Suman Adhikary, Chairperson of Conflict victim Sajha Chautari. Khadga Raj Joshi, a regional coordinator of INSEC far-western region said that he is always ready to assist the conflict victim if there are any difficulties faced by the victims while lodging a complaint. The program was participated by conflict victims and Human Rights activists from six districts of the far-western region.


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