Incident Reports

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“We have wasted our crucial two months [of the new fiscal year] doing nothing,” Lokendra Mallick, chairman of the CIEDP, told the Post. “We had planned to complete investigation in 68 districts by now.” Out of the total Rs130 million required for the CIEDP, the government has released Rs40 million for staff salary, and Rs30 million to pay the experts and contract officials. But officials say there is no money for travel, which is critical to the investigation of thousands of cases. The situation at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is worse. The commission needed Rs117 million for the current fiscal year, which includes salary, travel costs, and a stipend for employees, as well as allowances for the victims who need to travel to the TRC offices to record statements. The government released Rs37.70 million from the state coffers in mid-July, while agreeing to transfer Rs80 million granted by Germany to the Peace Fund. “We haven’t paid our contract staff such as drivers and assistants for two months,” Lila Udasi Khanal, a member of the TRC, told the Post.


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