Incident Reports




Conflict Victims Common Platform, an umbrella organisation of victims of the decade-long armed conflict, today said registration of a bill to amend the transitional justice-related act in the Parliament had opened an opportunity for the restructuring the two transitional justice commissions and amending the act with victims participation.

Issuing a statement, the CVCP stated that the amendment bill also paved the way for the government to address its demands put forth through the charter adopted on November 21.

The CVCP demanded victims’ representation in every stage of taking the transitional justice process to its logical conclusion.

“In line with the spirit of the charter, we strongly demand that the government begin the process of restructuring the entire transitional justice process; hold meaningful consultations with all stakeholders concerned; form a trustworthy mechanism involving victims to ensure cooperation and broad-based consultations; amend the law; restructure commissions; draft policies related to reparation, reconciliation and memorialisation,” read the statement.


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